Up to $5000 off your procedure*



Your questions answered
by our team of surgeons

Does anyone at Squlpt speak Spanish?

Yes, we have Spanish-speaking team members who will be more than happy to communicate with you in Spanish or English. 

Do you offer virtual consultations?

Yes, all of our consultations are virtual. You only need to come to one of our offices for your procedure.

Why do I need to upload photos?

Uploading photos is an essential first step, so our team can look at them and make sure you’re a good candidate for SoftSqulpt before moving forward with a potential treatment plan.

Your security and privacy are our top priority. Squlpt is HIPAA compliant, and your photos are uploaded to a secure drive for surgeon review only. 

How do I book a consultation?

Start by filling out this online form and then uploading your photos. A Squlpt plastic surgeon will review your welcome package and photos and develop a custom treatment plan to meet your body goals.

Are your consultations free?

Yes, all of our consultations are free. 

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, we have different options for financing and payment plans. Your body consultant will walk you through all the details and help you apply for financing during your consultation.  


Will my procedure be covered by my insurance?

No, our procedures are not covered by insurance.

Where are you located?

Our flagship office is located in Agoura Hills, California, close to Los Angeles, and we recently opened a second location in Miami, Florida. We’ve worked with thousands of clients from coast to coast.  All our consultations are conducted virtually, so you can discuss your body goals and treatment plan with a plastic surgeon from the comfort of home. 

Is it possible to breastfeed in the future after getting Naturals?

Absolutely. Because the fat is transferred into the breast tissue surrounding the gland, the breast gland and ducts aren’t affected at all. That means you can breastfeed normally after a fat transfer procedure.

Is this breast augmentation procedure safe?

At Squlpt, our mission is to make every body transformation as safe and natural as possible. That’s why we stay away from silicone and saline implants, which come with a host of risks and downsides (leaking, rupturing, etc.). Squlpt is a proudly Silicone-Free Zone® and one of the first plastic surgery practices to completely ban the use of implants. We believe fat is the body’s natural filler and the best, safest way to enhance and augment your breasts.  

Naturals is performed awake, with no general anesthesia needed. We give you localized meds and laughing gas to manage discomfort, so you can skip the risks and stress of going under. Our awake approach also means you can be an active participant in the experience and interact with your plastic surgeon, further reducing the risk of surgical complications. 

Just some of the benefits of a SoftSqulpt BBL vs. implants include:

  • Minimal scarring
  • No damage to breast tissue, which can lead to atrophy and the breasts thinning out
  • Permanent results
  • No rupturing, leaking or shifting
  • Significantly less risk of complications and post-surgical infections  


How much bigger can I go with Naturals?

Most clients go up one cup size, sometimes two. The amount of volume we can add depends on several factors, including the starting size and shape of your breasts, whether you have any drooping, breastfeeding history and any past breast augmentation procedures. The majority of our clients go up about a cup size, resulting in a natural and beautifully balanced look.

Will my breasts be more lifted after Naturals?

Yes. By adding volume to the breasts with a fat transfer, the nipple will automatically lift between 1 and 1.5 inches. If your nipple is positioned below the under fold of the breast, a fat transfer will add volume and increase breast size but won’t offer much of a lift.

What results can I expect from Naturals?

We named our breast augmentation Naturals for a reason. If you want to dramatically change the look of your breasts with a lot more volume, implants are really your only option. But if you’re looking to enhance what you were born with and create a naturally fuller look with a flattering teardrop shape in perfect proportion with your body, Naturals is the ideal solution.

Naturals will increase your cup size by one to two sizes, add more fullness to the cleavage line, fill out the upper part of the breasts where they slope in, and move the nipple up by 1-1.5 inches. Because we use your own body fat as filler, the “after” result is much more natural than implants while still delivering that wow factor. You also get the added bonus of a flatter stomach and slimmer waist.

Naturals is the perfect body shaping treatment for you if:

  • You’re looking to go up one or two cup sizes
  • You’d like to fill out the cleavage line
  • You want to add fullness with a natural teardrop shape  
  • You want to avoid the risks and downsides of silicone or saline implants
  • You want to move the nipples up 1-1.5 inches (a mini lift without the incisions)
  • Your goal look is naturally curvy and perfectly proportioned

Can I have a BBL and Naturals at the same time?

We typically perform one or the other. The main challenge is sleeping after the procedure. With Naturals, you have to sleep mostly on your back post-treatment. With a BBL, you have to mostly sleep on your front. Since we want to achieve the very best results for both Naturals and BBL, we recommend breaking up the two procedures.

What’s the difference between Petite BBL and XL BBL?

While the goal of our Petite BBL is to fill and firm, staying close to what you already have, the goal of XL BBL is to augment and expand the bottom beyond its current size. We achieve this by adding higher volumes of fat to create a voluptuous, hourglass look.

Are your surgeons licensed in California and Florida?

Squlpt and our entire team of plastic surgeons are fully licensed in both states and adhere to the highest standards of safety and expertise.

If I need to travel for my procedure, how long will I have to stay?

You’ll only need to stay 4-5 days. We recommend arriving the day before your procedure, then giving yourself 2-3 days to rest and recuperate before heading back home.

If I had a c-section, can I still get a SoftSqulpt procedure?

Yes, just make sure you wait nine months after your c-section to book your consultation.

Is there a minimum or maximum BMI?

There’s no minimum BMI with Squlpt. You can be extremely slim but still have localized areas of fat that would qualify you for our SoftSqulpt awake lipo and fat transfer procedures. Our plastic surgeons can almost always find a solution and will work with you to create a custom plan according to your body type and goals.    

The maximum BMI for all our procedures is 38. Anyone with a BMI of 38 or over wouldn’t qualify for both safety and aesthetic reasons.    

Can I opt to have my procedure under general anesthesia?

No. All our procedures are performed while you are awake with no need for general anesthesia. We use localized medications to minimize discomfort. We also give you laughing gas, which you can use (under our supervision) as required.

Are the procedures considered surgery?

Yes. While SoftSqulpt is a safer, gentler and less invasive approach to body shaping, it is still considered cosmetic surgery.

What’s the recovery time?

It’s important to keep in mind that the healing process is different for everyone and depends on several factors, including genetics, lifestyle and the individual procedure. That said, you can go home the same day. And most of our clients are ready to return to work within just a few days.  

We recommend you start walking and doing non-strenuous activities to get your body moving as soon as possible after your procedure. You can start with a gentle 15-minute walk once a day and build up from there. After six weeks, you can return to your regular workout routine.

Always remember to be patient and listen to your body as it heals. Our team will provide detailed instructions after your procedure and will be there to support you at every step of your recovery. And you can refer to our SoftHealing Aftercare guide for more detailed information.

Will I be in pain after the procedure?

You can expect to feel very sore after your procedure, like you worked out extra hard at the gym. You’ll also have some moderate bruising and swelling. But you won’t experience any sharp pain as you would with traditional liposuction or other invasive procedures. Post-treatment, the majority of our clients only require ibuprofen and acetaminophen to manage any discomfort.

What is SoftSqulpt®?

SoftSqulpt is the proprietary awake liposuction and fat transfer technology. We developed at Squlpt as a safer, gentler and more modern approach to traditional methods. We use miniature precision tools and smooth vibration to gently remove stubborn body fat, then transfer it to the areas you’re looking to enhance. The SoftSqulpt method includes a proprietary fat collection, storage and transfer system, designed to optimize the safety and efficacy of our fat transfer procedures.

Thanks to our safe and gentle approach, SoftSqulpt is performed while you are awake with no general anesthesia needed. We use localized medications and laughing gas to keep you relaxed and comfortable. SoftSqulpt sets you up for a fast and seamless recovery with natural, lasting results.

What is a fat transfer and how does it work?

Fat transfer involves removing unwanted fat from areas like the midsection, arms or thighs, and transferring it to the areas you want to enhance. Using our proprietary SoftSqulpt technology, we use small precision cannulas and smooth vibration to gently remove the unwanted fat.

The fat is then collected, cleaned and processed to ensure sterility and prevent infection. During the procedure, we make tiny incisions using miniature, soft-tipped cannulas and inject the fat into the areas you’re looking to augment.

How is SoftSqulpt® different from traditional lipo?

Traditional liposuction is rough, invasive and painful, with surgeons using large cannulas to mechanically scrape the fat out of your body. The fat is then injected manually using a large syringe, creating uneven pressure and increasing the risk of infections, lumps and excessive scarring.  

We developed SoftSqulpt as a safer, modernized alternative to traditional awake lipo and fat transfer procedures, improving on the outdated techniques while removing the many downsides. We use tiny precision instruments and smooth vibration to gently slide the unwanted fat from your body, which not only minimizes discomfort but leads to significantly better fat retention rates and flawless results that last.

Unlike traditional liposuction, all SoftSqulpt treatments are performed while you are awake using local anesthesia and laughing gas to keep you relaxed and comfortable, so you can skip the risks and stress of general anesthesia. Another key difference is that we use your own body fat instead of silicone or saline implants as filler, to further improve safety and to achieve beautiful, natural-looking results.

Are the results permanent?

Absolutely. The fat cells we remove for transfer are removed permanently, which means they’ll never come back. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle and consistent weight, your new look will be yours to keep.

Around 30% of the body fat we transfer will reabsorb naturally in the first six weeks post-treatment, and the rest stays permanently from there. Our approach takes this into account so that once everything settles, you’ll be left with your goal look. 

Will I have scars?

Using our SoftSqulpt technology and precision instruments, we make tiny incisions in the skin that results in minimal scarring. Once the incision holes close over and fully heal, what’s left is typically the size of a freckle and barely noticeable.

Yes, we have Spanish-speaking team members who will be more than happy to communicate with you in Spanish or English. 

Yes, all of our consultations are virtual. You only need to come to one of our offices for your procedure.

Uploading photos is an essential first step, so our team can look at them and make sure you’re a good candidate for SoftSqulpt before moving forward with a potential treatment plan.

Your security and privacy are our top priority. Squlpt is HIPAA compliant, and your photos are uploaded to a secure drive for surgeon review only. 

Start by filling out this online form and then uploading your photos. A Squlpt plastic surgeon will review your welcome package and photos and develop a custom treatment plan to meet your body goals.

Yes, all of our consultations are free. 

Yes, we have different options for financing and payment plans. Your body consultant will walk you through all the details and help you apply for financing during your consultation.  


No, our procedures are not covered by insurance.

Our flagship office is located in Agoura Hills, California, close to Los Angeles, and we recently opened a second location in Miami, Florida. We’ve worked with thousands of clients from coast to coast.  All our consultations are conducted virtually, so you can discuss your body goals and treatment plan with a plastic surgeon from the comfort of home. 

Absolutely. Because the fat is transferred into the breast tissue surrounding the gland, the breast gland and ducts aren’t affected at all. That means you can breastfeed normally after a fat transfer procedure.

At Squlpt, our mission is to make every body transformation as safe and natural as possible. That’s why we stay away from silicone and saline implants, which come with a host of risks and downsides (leaking, rupturing, etc.). Squlpt is a proudly Silicone-Free Zone® and one of the first plastic surgery practices to completely ban the use of implants. We believe fat is the body’s natural filler and the best, safest way to enhance and augment your breasts.  

Naturals is performed awake, with no general anesthesia needed. We give you localized meds and laughing gas to manage discomfort, so you can skip the risks and stress of going under. Our awake approach also means you can be an active participant in the experience and interact with your plastic surgeon, further reducing the risk of surgical complications. 

Just some of the benefits of a SoftSqulpt BBL vs. implants include:

  • Minimal scarring
  • No damage to breast tissue, which can lead to atrophy and the breasts thinning out
  • Permanent results
  • No rupturing, leaking or shifting
  • Significantly less risk of complications and post-surgical infections  


Most clients go up one cup size, sometimes two. The amount of volume we can add depends on several factors, including the starting size and shape of your breasts, whether you have any drooping, breastfeeding history and any past breast augmentation procedures. The majority of our clients go up about a cup size, resulting in a natural and beautifully balanced look.

Yes. By adding volume to the breasts with a fat transfer, the nipple will automatically lift between 1 and 1.5 inches. If your nipple is positioned below the under fold of the breast, a fat transfer will add volume and increase breast size but won’t offer much of a lift.

We named our breast augmentation Naturals for a reason. If you want to dramatically change the look of your breasts with a lot more volume, implants are really your only option. But if you’re looking to enhance what you were born with and create a naturally fuller look with a flattering teardrop shape in perfect proportion with your body, Naturals is the ideal solution.

Naturals will increase your cup size by one to two sizes, add more fullness to the cleavage line, fill out the upper part of the breasts where they slope in, and move the nipple up by 1-1.5 inches. Because we use your own body fat as filler, the “after” result is much more natural than implants while still delivering that wow factor. You also get the added bonus of a flatter stomach and slimmer waist.

Naturals is the perfect body shaping treatment for you if:

  • You’re looking to go up one or two cup sizes
  • You’d like to fill out the cleavage line
  • You want to add fullness with a natural teardrop shape  
  • You want to avoid the risks and downsides of silicone or saline implants
  • You want to move the nipples up 1-1.5 inches (a mini lift without the incisions)
  • Your goal look is naturally curvy and perfectly proportioned

We typically perform one or the other. The main challenge is sleeping after the procedure. With Naturals, you have to sleep mostly on your back post-treatment. With a BBL, you have to mostly sleep on your front. Since we want to achieve the very best results for both Naturals and BBL, we recommend breaking up the two procedures.

While the goal of our Petite BBL is to fill and firm, staying close to what you already have, the goal of XL BBL is to augment and expand the bottom beyond its current size. We achieve this by adding higher volumes of fat to create a voluptuous, hourglass look.

Squlpt and our entire team of plastic surgeons are fully licensed in both states and adhere to the highest standards of safety and expertise.

You’ll only need to stay 4-5 days. We recommend arriving the day before your procedure, then giving yourself 2-3 days to rest and recuperate before heading back home.

Yes, just make sure you wait nine months after your c-section to book your consultation.

There’s no minimum BMI with Squlpt. You can be extremely slim but still have localized areas of fat that would qualify you for our SoftSqulpt awake lipo and fat transfer procedures. Our plastic surgeons can almost always find a solution and will work with you to create a custom plan according to your body type and goals.    

The maximum BMI for all our procedures is 38. Anyone with a BMI of 38 or over wouldn’t qualify for both safety and aesthetic reasons.    

No. All our procedures are performed while you are awake with no need for general anesthesia. We use localized medications to minimize discomfort. We also give you laughing gas, which you can use (under our supervision) as required.

Yes. While SoftSqulpt is a safer, gentler and less invasive approach to body shaping, it is still considered cosmetic surgery.

It’s important to keep in mind that the healing process is different for everyone and depends on several factors, including genetics, lifestyle and the individual procedure. That said, you can go home the same day. And most of our clients are ready to return to work within just a few days.  

We recommend you start walking and doing non-strenuous activities to get your body moving as soon as possible after your procedure. You can start with a gentle 15-minute walk once a day and build up from there. After six weeks, you can return to your regular workout routine.

Always remember to be patient and listen to your body as it heals. Our team will provide detailed instructions after your procedure and will be there to support you at every step of your recovery. And you can refer to our SoftHealing Aftercare guide for more detailed information.

You can expect to feel very sore after your procedure, like you worked out extra hard at the gym. You’ll also have some moderate bruising and swelling. But you won’t experience any sharp pain as you would with traditional liposuction or other invasive procedures. Post-treatment, the majority of our clients only require ibuprofen and acetaminophen to manage any discomfort.

SoftSqulpt is the proprietary awake liposuction and fat transfer technology. We developed at Squlpt as a safer, gentler and more modern approach to traditional methods. We use miniature precision tools and smooth vibration to gently remove stubborn body fat, then transfer it to the areas you’re looking to enhance. The SoftSqulpt method includes a proprietary fat collection, storage and transfer system, designed to optimize the safety and efficacy of our fat transfer procedures.

Thanks to our safe and gentle approach, SoftSqulpt is performed while you are awake with no general anesthesia needed. We use localized medications and laughing gas to keep you relaxed and comfortable. SoftSqulpt sets you up for a fast and seamless recovery with natural, lasting results.

Fat transfer involves removing unwanted fat from areas like the midsection, arms or thighs, and transferring it to the areas you want to enhance. Using our proprietary SoftSqulpt technology, we use small precision cannulas and smooth vibration to gently remove the unwanted fat.

The fat is then collected, cleaned and processed to ensure sterility and prevent infection. During the procedure, we make tiny incisions using miniature, soft-tipped cannulas and inject the fat into the areas you’re looking to augment.

Traditional liposuction is rough, invasive and painful, with surgeons using large cannulas to mechanically scrape the fat out of your body. The fat is then injected manually using a large syringe, creating uneven pressure and increasing the risk of infections, lumps and excessive scarring.  

We developed SoftSqulpt as a safer, modernized alternative to traditional awake lipo and fat transfer procedures, improving on the outdated techniques while removing the many downsides. We use tiny precision instruments and smooth vibration to gently slide the unwanted fat from your body, which not only minimizes discomfort but leads to significantly better fat retention rates and flawless results that last.

Unlike traditional liposuction, all SoftSqulpt treatments are performed while you are awake using local anesthesia and laughing gas to keep you relaxed and comfortable, so you can skip the risks and stress of general anesthesia. Another key difference is that we use your own body fat instead of silicone or saline implants as filler, to further improve safety and to achieve beautiful, natural-looking results.

Absolutely. The fat cells we remove for transfer are removed permanently, which means they’ll never come back. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle and consistent weight, your new look will be yours to keep.

Around 30% of the body fat we transfer will reabsorb naturally in the first six weeks post-treatment, and the rest stays permanently from there. Our approach takes this into account so that once everything settles, you’ll be left with your goal look. 

Using our SoftSqulpt technology and precision instruments, we make tiny incisions in the skin that results in minimal scarring. Once the incision holes close over and fully heal, what’s left is typically the size of a freckle and barely noticeable.

*$5,000 OFF YOUR

$1,500 off procedures $12k – $15k

$2,500 off procedures $16k – $19k

$5,000 off procedures $20k+

Book in October 2024 to claim these offers!

Offer ends November 1, 2024.