How to get rid of back fat and bra roll

view of models' backs

How to get rid of back fat and bra roll If you’ve noticed bulges of stubborn fat on your back and around where your bra fits that no amount of eating right or working out seems to shift, you’re not alone. They’re a very real issue for many women—and they’ve inspired a range of treatment […]

The Benefits of Awake Liposuction

awake liposuction for bbl

The Benefits of Awake Liposuction Why more and more people are choosing not to go under to look and feel their best As the demand for body contouring continues to grow, so does the demand for solutions that make the experience as safe and stress-free as possible without sacrificing results. And more and more plastic […]

BBL vs. butt implants: Which option is best for you?

bbl vs. butt implants - Squlpt Body

Breaking down the pros and cons of both butt augmentation procedures Thanks to bootylicious celebs like Beyonce, J-Lo and Kim K, big butts have been having a serious moment in recent years. And many women who aren’t naturally blessed with a voluptuous behind decide to enhance what they were born with by getting one of […]

SoftSqulpt awake liposuction, explained

SoftSqulpt - SqulptBody

Get to know our game-changing awake lipo and fat transfer technology  At Squlpt, our mission is to help women everywhere embrace the body confidence they deserve—without the pain, risks and long recovery associated with traditional liposuction.  This mission led us to create SoftSqulpt, our patented 360° awake lipo and fat transfer technology that improves on […]

Squlpt BBL: A better-for-you buttock fat transfer

eye lift patch on face

How we reinvented the Brazilian Butt Lift to make it safer, gentler and better Not all Brazilian Butt Lifts are created equal. The safety and success (both clinical and aesthetic) of BBL surgery differs dramatically from one plastic surgery practice to the next. That’s why it’s so important to do your homework and choose a […]

Awake BBL recovery: Timeline and aftercare tips

Awake BBL recovery

What to expect after a Brazilian Butt Lift and how to ensure the best results     More than 21,800 Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL) were performed in the U.S. in 2020 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. And the popularity of the buttock liposuction and BBL fat transfer procedure—which involves transferring fat from one area […]

5 BBL myths, debunked

BBL Myths

The real bottom line on Brazilian Butt Lift surgery The BBL is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures on the planet. It’s also one of the most controversial. In their quest for a fuller, Kardashian-esque derrière, tens of thousands of American women line up to get Brazilian Butt Lift surgery every year—a procedure […]

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