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Diet After Liposuction: What to Eat Post-Surgery and What to Avoid

by Gabriel Assouline

healthy meals after lipo

If you’re planning a liposuction procedure, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most popular solutions for getting rid of stubborn body fat—and one of the most effective. But while many women turn to lipo to take the extra weight off, it’s  essential to maintain a healthy weight post-surgery, both to ensure a successful recovery and to enjoy lasting results. 

In this article, we’ll share tips to optimize your diet so you can support your recovery and maintain your newly contoured look.  


SoftSqulpt® awake lipo-shaping: The future of liposuction


Before we dive into the benefits of a healthy diet following a liposuction procedure, let’s define what liposuction is … and how we’re doing things differently at Squlpt.  

Liposuction is a commonly performed cosmetic procedure designed to remove stubborn, unwanted fat from areas like the stomach, back and thighs. At Squlpt, we’ve developed a safer, gentler approach to body shaping that removes the many downsides of traditional lipo— from the outdated technology and risks of going under general anesthesia to the long and painful recovery. We call our transformative technology SoftSqulpt® Awake Lipo-Shaping

Unlike traditional lipo that uses harsh, invasive tools, we use tiny instruments and smooth vibration to gently remove unwanted body fat before transferring it to the areas you’re looking to enhance. No general anesthesia, no silicone, and no long and painful recovery. Just flawless, natural results that last. 


What to eat after liposuction 

The best foods to eat after a liposuction procedure are the same as those you should eat before; foods that represent a balanced, nutrient-rich diet and contribute to your overall health. Here are some specific foods (and drinks) to help support your recovery and maintain your results post-treatment:  



Staying hydrated is a must after any surgery, including liposuction, as it helps to flush out toxins and reduce swelling. Aim for at least eight glasses a day to support the healing process. Incorporating electrolytes is also very helpful for hydration.


Lean proteins

Your body needs protein to heal. Be sure to include plenty of lean proteins in your diet post-surgery, like chicken, turkey, fish and eggs. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, lentils, beans and tofu are great sources of protein. 


Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and veggies are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help your body heal, boost your immune system and maintain a healthy weight. Reach for foods like dark leafy greens, berries and citrus fruits. 


Healthy fats

Healthy fat is your friend, especially following surgery. It’s essential for strengthening your immune system and reducing your chances of infection. Plus it helps your body absorb the vitamins and minerals from all those fruits and vegetables you’ll be eating! Some of the best fats to include are olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.  


Whole grains

Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and wholegrain bread are complex carbs, and provide your body with the energy it needs to heal. They also support your digestive system, which can be impacted after liposuction. Complex carbs have the added bonus of keeping you fuller longer compared to simple carbs, so they can prevent overeating and weight gain. 



Foods to help reduce swelling after liposuction

Swelling is a normal result of any surgery, including liposuction, and is a sign your body is healing. But there are certain foods that can help reduce swelling and inflammation.  


Try to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet that includes foods like tomatoes, olive oil, leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale, broccoli), nuts (almonds and walnuts), fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines) and some fruits like strawberries, blueberries, cherries and oranges. 


Is pineapple juice a good idea after surgery?

Another food that may help reduce swelling post-surgery is pineapple, which has been used for centuries in Central and South America to reduce inflammation. That’s because pineapples contain bromelain, a mixture of enzymes that digest protein and have been used to treat swelling and inflammation after surgery. 

Although studies show mixed results, bromelain may help reduce swelling, bruising, healing time and pain after surgery, so it might be helpful following your liposuction procedure. 


Foods to avoid after liposuction 

Just as some foods aid in recovery, others can hinder it. Even after the initial six-week recovery period, you should stay away from unhealthy foods as much as possible to avoid gaining weight and to maintain your results long-term. Some foods and drinks to avoid include: 


Sodium is a diuretic that causes you to retain fluids and makes swelling worse. You don’t have to cut out salt completely. But especially in the recovery period, try to stay away from foods with a high sodium content, like French fries, pizza, fast food, cured or canned meats, and salted nuts.  

Refined sugars

Too much sugar is never a good thing, but this is especially true after surgery. Sugary foods can increase swelling and blood pressure, both of which can help slow down the healing process and lead to weight gain. As much as possible, try to reduce your sugar intake by avoiding sugary drinks, simple carbs (like white bread, rice and pasta) and artificial sweeteners. 

Processed food

Highly processed foods are often high in both salt and sugar. They offer little nutritional value, can negatively impact your overall health and contribute to weight gain.   


Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, increase swelling and prolong your recovery. It is also a blood thinner which contributes to more bruising and drainage so avoiding alcohol helps ensure a smoother healing process and reduces the risk of complications such as increased bruising and swelling, and delayed tissue repair. At Squlpt, we advise patients to avoid alcohol completely for two weeks post-treatment and at least 1 week pre-op.


The importance of maintaining a healthy diet post-surgery 

While liposuction is a highly effective procedure, it’s not a permanent solution for weight loss. Once you’ve achieved your desired shape and weight, it’s up to you to maintain it by turning the healthy choices we’ve discussed in this article into habits. 


The more you prioritize your health and optimize your diet, the more your body will crave good foods, so you can keep the look you love long term. 


Time to shine, with Squlpt. 

Are you considering a liposuction procedure but you’re still not sure whether it’s the right solution for you? Book a free consultation with a Squlpt surgeon and body consultant to discuss your body goals and, together, create a personalized treatment plan to make them a reality. 


See the transformative results of SoftSqulpt awake liposuction and fat transfer   treatments, and hear real stories from real women in our body-confident community. 


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