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The Benefits of Awake Liposuction

by Lucila Celayeta

awake liposuction for bbl

The Benefits of Awake Liposuction

Why more and more people are choosing not to go under to look and feel their best

As the demand for body contouring continues to grow, so does the demand for solutions that make the experience as safe and stress-free as possible without sacrificing results. And more and more plastic surgery practices, including Squlpt, are answering the call with awake lipo and awake fat transfer. Here’s how this innovative technique works and what to expect.

What exactly is awake lipo?

As the name suggests, awake liposuction refers to a fat removal procedure performed without general anesthesia, where the patient is awake and fully conscious with local anesthesia to numb the treatment area and manage any discomfort.

While the treatment area is numbed, there is some discomfort involved with awake lipo and awake fat transfer procedures. At Squlpt, we’ve developed our own proprietary awake lipo and fat transfer technique that is safe, gentle and close to pain-free while setting you up for a fast and smooth recovery.

SoftSqulpt®: The awake lipo of the future

SoftSqulpt is an advanced awake liposuction and awake fat transfer technology that delivers a safer and easier patient experience with superior results. We created SoftSqulpt as a modern alternative to traditional liposuction, which is invasive, risky and painful with a long recovery period.

All SoftSqulpt procedures are performed awake, using miniaturized instruments and smooth vibration to gently remove unwanted body fat. In the same treatment, depending on your body goals, we then transfer the same excess body fat to the area(s) you’re looking to enhance for all-natural curves that perfectly complement your figure. No general anesthesia, no silicone, next to no pain and very little downtime.

The benefits of awake lipo

There are several reasons why many people, both patients and surgeons, opt for awake lipo and awake fat transfer over traditional techniques performed under general anesthesia.

  • Lower risk & less stress. One of the biggest benefits of being awake is that you remove the risks and stress of going under—from the risk of a heart attack, stroke or seizures to allergic reactions and even death.

  • Less invasive. Because awake liposuction is performed without general anesthesia, the procedure is less invasive, which means significantly less pain, swelling, bruising and scarring.

  • Comfortable & in control. With awake lipo and awake fat transfer, you’re free to move around and change position, helping you feel more comfortable and in control of the experience at every step.

  • Interaction. Awake lipo allows you to be an active participant in the procedure, free to ask questions and provide feedback to your surgeon throughout.

  • Better results. Many plastic surgeons feel awake liposuction leads to superior results. Patients are able to move and contract their muscles, giving surgeons more control over the treatment areas and allowing them to make adjustments throughout to ensure optimal results.

  • Shorter recovery. No general anesthesia means you can go home the same day and be back at work within the week. And because awake lipo treatments like SoftSqulpt are less invasive, you’ll feel significantly less pain and discomfort both during and after surgery.

  • Less expensive. Awake liposuction doesn’t require an anesthesiologist or a hospital stay, making it a more cost-effective body contouring solution.


If you’re ready to remove stubborn body fat diet and exercise alone won’t shift, and finally get the dream body and confidence you deserve, we’re here to help.

Book a free consultation with a Squlpt surgeon and body consultant to see how we can bring your body goals to life with awake lipo and awake fat transfer.

Get inspired with these Before & After transformations and watch real stories from our body-confident communities with these SqulptStories.

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SoftSqulpt awake liposuction, explained.

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