Effective Tips to Remove Saddlebags on Body

by Gabriel Assouline

The saddlebags struggle is real

Saddlebags is the term for those extra deposits of fat that show up uninvited around your outer thighs, butt and hips … and then refuse to leave. Saddlebag fat can make it difficult to find well-fitting clothes, with the lower half of the body appearing disproportionately wider for a pear-shaped figure rather than a desired hourglass figure.

Fat in this area is notoriously hard to get rid of for a range of reasons, including genetics. But there is hope! From lifestyle changes to surgical solutions, such as our Thighs 360° & Mini-Gap™ procedure, this article will provide effective tips to say “see ya” to stubborn saddlebags.    




What are saddlebags on the body and what causes them?


Named after the storage bags that hang from a horse’s saddle, saddlebags are fat deposits that accumulate around the back of the thighs, hips, and buttocks, emphasizing an unbalanced proportion of the buttocks and thighs to the rest of the body. This extra fat may or may not be accompanied by cellulite. 


Saddlebags are more common in women than men, partly due to fat distribution from hormones and body structure, such as the pelvis. It’s also a misconception that only women who are overweight develop saddlebags, as even women of normal weight can experience this due to  a range of factors, such as: 



Fat distribution patterns often run in the family, so you may inherit a tendency to store unwanted saddlebags in the outer thigh area, regardless of your size or weight. 


Lifestyle choices 

An unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle (little to no exercise) can cause weight gain, prompting the production of saddlebag fat.



Another reason saddlebags affect women more than men is hormones. Fluctuations in estrogen levels can lead to extra fat building up around the midsection, thighs, butt and hips, where saddlebags can develop.



As the reproductive organs develop and mature, fat can start to accumulate in the hip, thigh and butt region. And sometimes saddlebags can develop as a result of these changes. 



Weight gain during pregnancy can occur all over the body, including the hips, butt and upper thighs. Some women lose the weight post-pregnancy while others find it too stubborn to shift naturally. 


Non-surgical solutions to reduce saddlebags


Though it will take time and patience, it is possible to get rid ofor at least reduce saddlebags naturally. Incorporating lifestyle changes and daily activity can reduce the appearance of saddlebags and improve your overall health over time. 



Eating a balanced, nutritious diet can make a big difference in reducing saddlebag fat. It comes down to the same principle for losing weight overall: eat less calories than you burn and stick to a diet rich in protein, greens, healthy fats and low-calorie foods. 


As much as possible, stay away from processed foods and foods that are high in sugar and carbs, all of which can trigger weight gain. Equally important is paying attention to what you drink. Stay hydrated with plenty of water and avoid high-sugar fruit juices, sodas and alcohol. 



A healthy diet goes a long way, but the benefits multiply exponentially when you incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Cardio activities like hiking, biking, swimming or dancing are great ways to burn calories and support weight loss. 


You can also try targeted strength-training exercises like squats, lunges and hip extensions to tone and trim down in the saddlebag area. 


Topical treatments and massage

In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, try treating yourself to a daily massage with a good quality anti-cellulite cream to reduce the appearance of cellulite and firm the skin. Over weeks or months, dimpling may diminish, and your body will look more toned, reducing the appearance of saddlebags. 


Non-invasive body contouring  

UltraShape, VelaShape and CoolSculpting are just a few of the non-invasive solutions for removing unwanted fat including saddlebags. But while they may give you results, there are some risks and downsides to consider. 


Some procedures can cause swelling, bruising and even burning nerve pain that can last for weeks. Another common issue is skin laxity, where the fat is removed but the skin is loose and stretched out. Other issues include hard lumps, shape irregularities, nerve damage and even skin necrosis (tissue death). 


Surgical solutions: SoftSqulpt® awake liposuction for saddlebags


At Squlpt, we’ve developed an innovative awake liposuction and fat transfer technology called SoftSqulpt, designed to safely and gently remove unwanted body fat like saddlebags without the need for general anesthesia. 


All SoftSqulpt procedures are performed awake, using miniaturized instruments and smooth vibration to gently remove the unwanted body fat. In the same treatment, depending on your body goals, we then transfer the same excess fat to any areas you’re looking to enhance (like the breasts or bottom). 


SoftSqulpt is perfect for targeting stubborn saddlebag fat that’s resistant to diet and exercise, offering an instant, effective and long-term solution.  


saddlebags before & after


The benefits of SoftSqulpt awake lipo-shaping

There are several reasons why people opt for awake liposuction over traditional lipo or non-invasive procedures for removing saddlebag fat, below are some of the benefits of awake liposuction


Lower risk

SoftSqulpt procedures are performed awake, removing the risks and stress of going under—from allergic reactions to heart attacks, stroke or even death. 

Less invasive

Because SoftSqulpt is performed without general anesthesia, it’s less invasive, which means significantly less swelling, bruising and scarring post-treatment. 

Less pain, faster healing

Our gentle approach means you’ll feel minimal pain during the procedure and experience very little downtime post-treatment. No general anesthesia also means you can go home the same day with no hospital stay needed.  

Superior results

Many plastic surgeons believe awake lipo leads to superior results. That’s because patients are able to move and contract their muscles, giving surgeons more control over the treatment areas and allowing them to make adjustments throughout to ensure optimal results. 



Can saddlebag fat come back after treatment?


With SoftSqulpt, we permanently remove the stubborn fat cells that show up as saddlebags, which means as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle and consistent weight, they’ll never come back. 


Once you’ve established a nutritious and balanced diet, and a regular exercise routine with a combination of cardio and strength training, as long as you stay consistent, your new look will be yours to keep. 


Take the next step toward a smoother, saddlebag-free silhouette


Saddlebags may be stubborn, but there are solutions to get rid of them for good. Awake liposuction procedures like SoftSqulpt allow you to target stubborn saddlebag fat instantly, effectively and with permanent results. 


Book a free consultation with Squlpt today to discuss your treatment options and body goals, and start your journey to a smoother, more streamlined silhouette. 


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