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How to get rid of upper belly fat

by Gabriel Assouline

upper belly fat

Are you finding it challenging to lose upper belly fat, despite your efforts with exercises and healthy eating?

Just as there is a range of root causes behind an expanding waistline, there are many effective ways to combat upper belly fat—and keep it off for good. 

In this article, we’ll cover the different factors contributing to upper belly fat, along with powerful tips to achieve a flat tummy and slimmer waistline. 


What is upper belly fat? 


Not all fat is created equal. The fat that sits just below your skin, the kind you can pinch, is called subcutaneous fat. Then there’s upper belly fat, also known as visceral fat. This is the kind that accumulates deep within the abdominal cavity, where it can’t be pinched, and pushes the belly out. It’s called visceral fat because it’s stored around the viscera (internal organs like the stomach and intestines). 

Having some visceral fat is normal and healthy. For most people, about 90% of body fat is subcutaneous and the other 10% is visceral. This fat can help protect your organs. But too much can lead to an increased risk of health issues like heart disease, type 2 diabetes Alzheimer’s and even cancer.  


What causes upper belly fat? 


Upper belly fat can be caused by genetic, hormonal or lifestyle factors, or a combination of the three. Genetics play a role in determining your body shape and how fat is stored in the body, which is why your stomach may stick out. Hormonal imbalances, such as elevated cortisol caused by factors like chronic stress, can lead to excess visceral fat storage. 



Studies show that women find it harder to lose belly fat than men. Oestrogen reduces a woman’s ability to burn energy after eating, resulting in more fat being stored around the body, including around the abdomen.

Then there are various lifestyle factors that can be the reason for upper belly fat, like lack of exercise, insufficient sleep, or eating an unbalanced diet high in processed foods, sugar and saturated fat.  


Why is it so hard to lose upper belly fat? 


Upper stomach fat can be caused by multiple factors, including bloating, stress, genetics and diet. Another factor is age. As we grow older (40+), our metabolic rate tends to decrease, leading to a redistribution of fat in our bodies. Older adults often experience an increase in visceral belly fat and for women, fat tends to shift to the abdomen during perimenopause and post-menopause. 

But thanks to medical advances and innovations, more and more women are turning to treatments like SoftSqulpt® Midsection to get rid of upper belly fat fast, with no surgery needed.  


Lifestyle tips to lose stubborn upper belly fat 

It is possible to get rid of visceral abdomen fat and improve your overall health by making lifestyle changes. You can apply the same habits you’d follow to get healthier or lose weight to reduce upper belly fat. 


Exercises for upper belly fat


1. Prioritize sleep

A recent study by Mayo Clinic found that insufficient sleep led to an 11% increase in visceral belly fat in subjects compared to a control group. The findings also showed that shortened sleep, even in young, healthy and relatively lean people, was associated with an increase in calorie intake, which can lead to weight gain. 

We all have periods of poorer sleep in our lives, whether you’re a new parent or working a night shift. But try to follow good sleep hygiene practices as much as possible, like sleeping in a dark room and avoiding screens at least an hour before bed, to reach the recommended seven to eight hours a night. 


2. Eat smart

We are what we eat, and there are certain foods that seem to encourage upper belly fat, like processed foods, fried foods, sugar and trans fats. Trans fat is considered the worst type of fat to eat as they raise bad cholesterol while lowering good cholesterol. 

Some trans fats are naturally occurring, in some meat and dairy products, but it’s not clear how harmful these are. Most trans fats are artificially made as they are cheaper than non-trans fats and are less likely to spoil. This manufactured form of trans fat can be found in foods like cakes, cookies, microwavable popcorn, frozen pizza, fried foods and others. Always read the label and avoid ingredients that contain trans fats, high sugar content or are hard to pronounce.

Equally important as cutting out unhealthy foods from your diet is incorporating nutrient-rich foods in. Try to follow a balanced, whole food diet as much as you can, loading up on things like leafy greens, lean meats, wild-caught fish and legumes to help keep upper belly fat in check. And be sure to stay hydrated, as drinking water can help reduce bloating and aid in the reduction of belly fat.


3. Exercise to Burn Fat

If you lose weight through diet, exercise can help you keep it off. Some of the best exercises to target both visceral and subcutaneous upper belly fat include planks, leg lifts, strength training and cardio. 

Every bit helps. Go for a walk after dinner, bike to work instead of driving and always take the stairs. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day and be consistent to see results. 


exercises to burn upper belly fat


4. Manage your stress

When we’re stressed, our bodies make more of the hormone cortisol. We all have high cortisol from time to time, and levels may vary throughout the day. But if your body consistently makes too much cortisol, it can cause issues like weight gain, mostly around the midsection and back. 

Some effective ways to manage stress include yoga, breathwork, meditation, walking in nature or taking a warm bath. Try to do whatever works for you as often as you can to manage stress and keep cortisol levels down.  


Medical options to lose belly fat fast  


For many people, lifestyle changes like improved diet and exercise aren’t enough to get rid of stubborn visceral fat, whether for genetic, hormonal or other reasons. 

Thankfully, there are now several medical options to instantly remove upper belly fat, for both health and aesthetic reasons—from surgical options like liposuction to non-invasive procedures like Coolsculpting.

At Squlpt, we’ve developed a safer, gentler alternative to traditional liposuction called SoftSqulpt Midsection —a non-invasive awake liposuction procedure that targets the area covering the abdomen, waist and hips, removing upper belly fat while improving tone and definition. 

Powered by SoftSqulpt®, our Awake Lipo-Shaping technology, SoftSqulpt Midsection is performed awake, eliminating the risks of general anesthesia. We use tiny precision tools and smooth vibration to gently remove unwanted fat. The experience is comfortable, delivers proven results, and sets you up for a fast and seamless recovery. 

Book a consultation to discuss your body goals  

Are you looking to get rid of upper belly fat but you’re not sure what the best approach is for you? Book a free consultation with a Squlpt plastic surgeon and body consultant, who will be happy to answer all your questions and to discuss your body goals and treatment options in detail. 

In the meantime, be sure to check out these before & after shots, as well as our successful Squlpt client stories to see the transformative results of SoftSqulpt Midsection.